The 0th Principle of Professional Inspiration

Jacob Tolman
3 min readMar 17, 2022
Rays of overlapping light falling like rain onto a black background
Photo by Rene Böhmer on Unsplash

Revelation is not reserved for the clergy. They just know how to go about it better than most.

There are ways to be inspired professionally and personally that introduce paths to extraordinary concepts, frameworks, and solutions.

Things that are already present, available for whoever will work to get it.

Following these principles of professional inspiration will set us apart in amazing ways:

✔ They allow us to lead wherever we are.

✔ They bring those around us to a higher level.

✔ They enable us to unlock our collective wisdom.

✔ They build our self-confidence and capacity for greater goals.

There are 10 principles that will help you reach these new heights. Anyone can adopt them, regardless of race, creed, or status. These are interrelated and don’t have to follow any specific sequence.

Except one. The zeroth (0th) principle. The sole pre-requirement.

Principle #0: Revelation & Inspiration Begin With Identity

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

We start here at the zeroth principle as everything that follows is built on this.

Everything commences from — and with — your identity.

You are someone who seeks and receives revelation — then acts on it.

It is part of who you are. Growth supercedes comfort.

Your identity defines your habits.

Your habits define your actions.

Your actions define your life.


“How you see yourself is highly fluid, and based on your own behaviors. As your behavior changes, your perceived identity changes.” - Dr. Benjamin Hardy

A key reason that clergy receive revelation is that:

  1. They first claim that right as part of who they are, and then —
  2. They put in the work according to certain principles.

Choosing to see yourself as someone who is inspired is the first step.

Consciously working to receive revelation follows.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to start with incredibly small steps. The goal is not to achieve results at first, the goal is to become the type of person who can achieve those things.

“For example, a person who works out consistently is the type of person who can become strong. Develop the identity of someone who works out first, and then move on to performance and appearance later.” - James Clear

Many will believe that the source of all inspiration is Divine. Others will believe in chance. Others more somewhere in between.

However you choose to believe, the point is that you must begin by being intrinsically convinced that you have a right to it. Then — and only then — will the principles of revelation begin to work in your favor.

When we choose to identify as someone who receives inspiration, we put ourselves on the path of doing so.

Altering your identity is difficult, as few of us have ever tried to do it.

Like any muscle, it will strengthen with use.

This will not be easy.

Most people prefer comfort.

Most people prefer familiarity.

Most people stop learning.

Most people avoid change.

Most people plateau.

Who do you want to be?

Seeking revelation and inspiration means that you are more interested in your growth than you are in your comfort.

Your identity is more fluid than you may think, and taking control of its shape will empower you in ways that nothing and no one else can.

Get started: look back on your last 30, 60, and 90 days and find those moments that can cast a vote in favor of your desired identity. See when you have been inspired, even (or perhaps especially) in the small and simple things. Write them down. Your present gives meaning to your past.

Move forward: If you could receive inspiration and revelation about one thing in your life, what would it be?

Leave your answers in the comments. I look forward to hearing what and who you want to become!

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